Best Key Finders in 2022

It’s a common enough scenario, and you’re most certainly not on your own if you are one of the people who frequently misplace their keys. It’s annoying and wastes an awful lot of time as you rack your brains trying to retrace your steps and figure out where you might have put them down. You may even have resorted to frantically emptying your gym bag or even the garbage can as you worry that you might have inadvertently tossed them in the bin! Imagine then how much simpler life would be if you could track where your keys were in literally seconds? Well, the great news is that you can do just that and there are plenty of innovative key finding solutions around, including Bluetooth style trackers that are lightweight and discreet enough to clip onto your keys and providing you have a phone, can quickly help you locate your keys. So let’s take a look at some of the Best Key Finders that will help reunite the more absent-minded among you with your lost keys, rapido!
The Best Key Finder
1Tile-Mate Key Finder
One of the most popular and best-selling trackers around for helping you locate lost keys, and it’s not hard to see why. It’s small and discreet and does precisely what you need it to and a few things more too! It’s the perfect size to loop onto your keychain, next to your keychain knife. You know, the one that you keep putting down somewhere but for the life of you can never quite remember where! Connect this little beauty to your smartphone for the ultimate in security so that you and you only will actually know the location of said lost keys. It operates via Bluetooth tracking and can work on short to medium range distances, but the app itself also uses mapping tools for longer ranges.
One of the other smart stands out features of the Tile Mate is that it will automatically record where the last place was that you say your keys so that you can backtrack and retrace your steps quickly. Another handy extended feature is that if you are really far afield from your keys but someone else within the Tile community is in close proximity, you’ll receive an alert and heads up that way too. Clever stuff indeed from the Tile Mate. Worried that you can’t find your phone, not your keys this time around? Then hit the button on the Tile Mate, and it will help you track down your phone instead. If you’ve lost your phone and your keys at the same time, we’re not quite sure what to advise! Sounds like you may well be a lost cause yourself sorry! This is a super Versa-Tile solution to easily locating all kinds of lost items.
Best selling Bluetooth key finder with 100-foot range
Loud alert, emitting 88 decibels
Lost your phone? Double tab your Tile to locate
Be part of the larger Tile community to help you find things further afield
Small, discreet and stylish weighing just 6.1 grams
- BrandTile
- ModelEC-06001
- Weight0.16 ounces
2Cube Tracker Key Finder
Next, up on our Best Key Finders roundup, we have another tile tracking device from Cube that you can literally attach to anything that you might want to find, fast. It’s a cool and innovative looking design with simple but effective functionality. Now you can conveniently locate the most important valuables in your life, thanks to the small and discreet Cube tile tracker. Even if you have lost your phone, the Cube can be used to locate it quickly. The Cube will ring, vibrate, and flash even if you don’t have the Cube app running.
The Cube app tracker will show you the last known location on a map of where you had your items and then uses Bluetooth technology to let you know how far away you are. It comes with a battery already fitted which should last for at least a year and one additional battery is also included so that you can replace and continue to use your Cube trackers for years to come.
Don’t worry if you’ve lost your keys in the rain either as the Cube also happens to be waterproof and even if you have replacement keys, so you’ve not yet tried to retrieve your lost ones, the Cube tracker can actually assist you in locating them for up to two years after you tagged them. How neat is that? We really do think that this is one of the best lost key trackers around.
Cube conveniently attaches to anything so you can find lost items fast
The Cube can be used as a shutter button for your phone camera
Flashes and sounds an alert if you have lost your phone
Battery should last one year, and one replacement battery also provided
Download Cube tracker app to always know where tagged items are
- BrandCube
- ModelC7001
- Weight0.48 ounces
3TrackR Pixel Bluetooth Key Finder Tracking Device
This is another cost-effective and time-saving solution that will help you in your quest to find those constantly missing keys of yours. Working with a similar principle to the Tile Mate we reviewed earlier, the additional benefit of the TrackR Pixel is that you can see several of the last places that you saw your keys and not just the actual last one. This provides a wider and more targeted set of likely locations where you might have last had them. It also has that same function to crows source your keys’ position in case you are no longer in proximity to them, but someone else with a tracker is.
The device can be handily attached to your keys, wallet, laptop, or a bag depending upon which is the item that you most frequently misplace. Again, you get access to a wider global community via the Crowd Locate feature so even if you are nowhere near your lost item, it will alert you if someone else is in physical range.
Another great feature with this TrackR Pixel is that you can also conveniently change the battery which isn’t something that many Bluetooth key finders offer. It’s a bit fiddly so you might decide just to replace your tracker after all, but the option is at least there. Even if you are trying to locate something in the dark, the TrackR Pixel can come to the rescue as it features a flashing LED light. Just ensure that you have your Bluetooth on at all times and that way your valuables and your phone can always be detected, as long as you are in range or someone else is.
If you’ve lost some valuable, ring it! If that item isn’t in range, map it! If it’s still missing, crowd locate it! A simple and easy everyday solution to finding missing items. This will be your new favorite every day carry.
Small and lightweight enough to attach to anything
TrackR uses Bluetooth technology to locate items up to 100 feet away
Additional flashing LED light is a great visual prompt to help you discover things
Be part of the global Crowd Locate community
Lost your phone, not your keys? TrackR will ring your phone even if it’s on silent
- BrandTrackR
- Weight1.06 ounces
4Tile Performance Pack 2020
We’ve already featured the Tile Mate as our Best Choice product in this list, so we thought we’d include the more expensive and more powerful Tile Pro as well. It comes as part of the Tile Performance Pack, but more on that in a minute. This awesome key finder works in exactly the same way as the Tile Mate – it attaches to your keychain and sends a GPS signal so you can locate your lost keys using the Tile app. The main difference is that the Tile Pro has a range of 400ft (compared to the Tile Mate’s range of 200ft). On top of that, it has the loudest ring of any product on the market, allowing you to locate your keys when they’ve fallen down the back of a sofa or somewhere else you can’t easily locate them.
The other product in the Tile Performance Pack is the Tile Slim. Designed to slip in your wallet, the Tile Slim is about the size of two credit cards. It has a range of 200ft and a relatively loud ring, making it easy to find. If you want to make sure that you never lose your wallet again, you need this tool.
Tile Pro and Tile Slim
Tile Pro range – 400ft
Tile Slim range – 200ft
Free app
- BrandTile
- ModelRE-31002
- Weight1.04 ounces
5Esky KF-06A Key Finder
Next up, we’ve got a key finder with six receivers. That means you can keep track of your keys, wallet, purse, and even a beloved pet. The Esky KF-06A Key Finder definitely isn’t the most advanced product on this list but it’s still a great tool to have around the house. In the set, you get one transmitter with six different-colored buttons on it. Each button corresponds to a receiver. When you press a button, the receiver emits an 80dB sound, so you can locate your lost item. Unfortunately, it doesn’t come with a corresponding app, so it probably won’t help if you lost an item outside of your house. The range is 100ft and it comes with ultra long-lasting batteries.
One transmitter
Six receivers
Range – 100ft
80dB beeping sound
Long lasting batteries included
- BrandEsky
- ModelKF-06A
- Weight6.1 ounces
Key Finder Buying Guide & FAQs
Tips When Using a Key Finder
The most important tip is to check you are fully aware of the range of your Key Finder. Make sure that you know how far away you can be from your keys and still receive alerts and whether you need to be permanently connected and have your key finding app open. Also, keep in mind that the quoted distance for locating items may well be impacted and affected by objects like walls and doors which can interfere with signals and make it more challenging to detect items. We also recommend that you review the alarm sound function too and see what the top rate of decibels is that your key finder will emit. Ideally, you need it to be around 85 decibels, and if your key finder also has an LED visual flashing function, this will certainly assist you in finding your items quicker. Finally, check the battery life of your key finder. Most are good for twelve months but it might a good idea to periodically replace the batteries every six months just to make sure.
Key Finder FAQs
Q: What Is A Key Finder?
A: A key finder, which might also be referred to as a key locator or an electronic finder, is usually a small and relatively discreet piece of electronic tech that can help you to quickly locate lost items to which it has been associated/attached. The goal of a key finder is to minimize the stress caused from misplacing items and to speed up the process of reuniting you with them. Many key finders will emit a beeping alert, or a flashing LED light on demand to help you better locate lost items when you are in a close enough proximity. Many key finders these days also additionally feature a wider global community option so that any device in range of your missing items will pick up and emit an alert.
Q: How Does A Key Finder Work?
A: Most of the new modern generation key finders work on the basis of wireless or Bluetooth technology, so there is no longer a requirement to have a base station. They work in a similar way to a phone locator and in fact most double up with this dual functionality. They tend to be battery operated and specifically designed to also have a long battery life of at least a year. Most are suitable to attach to a wide range of valuables and not just your keys, so if you know that you frequently misplace your purse or wallet, then you might consider attaching the device to those items instead. Basically, if you might lose and you want to be able to track, locate and retrieve quickly, then you would certainly benefit from one of the new range of inexpensive key finders. They reduce stress and anxiety plus ultimately save time when searching for lost items by being able to get you quickly into the right location.