Best Ankle Holsters In 2022

Anyone in a job that requires them to carry a firearm will know just how important it is to have a backup gun. Indeed, whether you’re an armed security officer working in a bank or you are employed as a bodyguard, it certainly pays to have a plan B just in case your main firearm has jammed or you just need more firepower.
And even though ankle type holsters may not be the first choice for some with regard to carrying a concealed weapon whilst on duty, they’re still extremely useful for a range of situations. However, just because searching for one of the best ankle holsters will turn out to be a very smart move, it doesn’t mean it’s easy to purchase a holster that will not let you down.
There are a few things that people looking to get hold of a good quality gun holster for the ankle will need to carefully consider if they are to avoid making a big mistake in the option they go for. Apart from ensuring the holster is made from good quality material and is unlikely to fall apart resulting in the loss of your concealed firearm, it’s vital to buy a holster that’s designed to hold the type of guns you use as backup.
Law enforcement officers, military personnel or minders of VIPs that could do with replacing their old ankle holster after experiencing a few issues should be in a better position to avoid opting for inferior products. One thing you’ll discover when going through our list is that all our selections are holsters that shooters gun for.
Some of the better choices in gun concealment holsters for the ankle come with a couple of extra features such as a magazine pocket which could be utilized for keeping a small knife or a less deadly tool if need be. And if these extras don’t blow you away, purchasing a holster that has a very long or in some cases, a lifetime guarantee is bound to give you more peace of mind.
Of course, suppliers of what they say are durable and comfortable ankle holsters that are unwilling to back up their products by offering a warranty are often the sort of company that we should avoid. Indeed, if we consider the ramifications of losing a firearm kept in an ankle holster whatever our job may be, failing to avoid this highly undesirable situation as a result of choosing poorly will surely be a real ‘son of a gun’.
The Best Ankle Holster
1Concealed Carrier (TM) Ankle Holster For Concealed Carry Pistol

Working in a job where your life is put in danger from time-to-time can be stressful enough without making sure you’re properly prepared for sticky moments. Cops or security guards licensed to carry a firearm would be wise to look at our list of the best ankle holsters around right now. Indeed, people in this line of work that find themselves without their main gun due to one reason or another could get themselves out of such a dilemma with a concealed weapon kept in a reliable holster.
When mulling over the features of Concealed Carrier (TM) Ankle Holster for Concealed Carry Pistol, gun users will be convinced of its superiority. One main point to be impressed by is the fact that any size gun can be kept in the holder. So not only can the wearer draw a sub-compact gun when the need arises but also one of the larger firearms.
Most people taking the time to scour the internet for ankle holsters will be keen to find a firearm holder that provides flexibility. And as we have already mentioned about the wide range of guns that can be stored in this holster, the adjustability in the top and bottom straps should be outlined.
Big guys or gals concerned about this holder fitting around their chunky calves need not be worried. Moreover, the ingenious design of the straps on this gun concealer for police and other armed personnel allows for much more comfort as it can be easily worn with a fairly loose fit.
Of course, one of the concerns that many users of concealed gun carriers tend to have is the admittance of dirt into their firearm. But rest assured, the ankle holster presented to us by Concealed Carrier is not just great to wear and easy to draw your weapon but also provides protection from foreign bodies entering the weapon. Make sure you also check our guide to the best gun safes.
A lifetime warranty is offered by this leader
In gun concealment products.
Extra integrated pouch that can be used for
A magazine or pepper spray.
Suitable for any size handgun including
Glock 42/43 and ruger lcp/lc9.
Thumb break retention strap allowing
The user to draw in a rapid motion.
Very comfortable to wear with the adjustability
Of the straps adding to this factor.
- BrandConcealed Carrier LLC
- Weight4 ounces
2Bear Armz Tactical Ankle Holster For Concealed Carry

As big cities and even more rural areas are becoming increasingly dangerous places to reside, there is little surprise that more and more people are choosing to carry a firearm for personal protection. Indeed, not only are the ankle holsters covered in our comprehensive guide suitable for police officers and other people paid to uphold the law but also regular folk who like to feel more secure.
And while we’re on the subject of increased security, it’s time to mention the double-strap feature of Bear Armz Tactical Ankle Holster for sub-compact or compact firearms. Of course, the last thing a vulnerable citizen would want when in fear of their life is realizing their hidden gun on their ankle is no longer there.
Police officers who spend many hours a day in their squad car will take into consideration the benefits to be gained by wearing a good quality ankle holster like this. And the holster we go for doesn’t always have to be the best ankle holsters found online today. As all models included in our listing are fantastic designs, any of them are suitable for sitting positions.
That said, this one of the better options in holsters for concealing a firearm is not in second position on our guide for no reason. Indeed, as well as giving cops and other armed personnel the ability to easily draw their weapon when sitting in their car or on a chair, this top choice in ankle holsters is extremely comfortable to wear.
Getting the most out of your holster for gun concealment is an understandable quest for all people that need a backup weapon when at work. Therefore, rather than trying to save too much money by opting for a poor-quality gun holder, it is much wiser to secure a much more advanced model that is ready for action when we are.
A lifetime warranty is included in this
Product from this reputable dealer.
The ambidextrous design of the gun holster
Provides options in drawing.
Fits a wide range of weapons such as
Smith & Wesson and M&P Shield 9mm.
Wearers can feel secure with the two
Retention straps.
The material used is very lightweight and
Durable providing comfort and longevity.
- BrandBear Armz Tactical
- Weight1.9 ounces
3LIRISY Non-Slip Ankle Holster for Concealed Carry

Apart from occupations where carrying of a concealed weapon would be expected, there are some people in what we may consider to be quite safe work environments that also like to keep a firearm hidden on their person. So, whether you’re in law enforcement or you\re paid to look after a celebrity, you should already have one of the better options in ankle holsters. Taking note of this well-made holster for guns will certainly be a step in the right direction for a good number of reasons.
To say LIRISY Ankle Holster for Concealed Carry is a good choice with all its superb features would be a huge understatement indeed. As well as the fantastic snap-fasten design on the strap, the neoprene material used in its construction makes the item incredibly comfortable to wear.
And not just because this innovative fabric is so lightweight but also because of its breathability features. Owners of firearms that do feel it necessary to have a backup revolver strapped to their ankle won’t feel like they’re carrying anything at all with this stealth-enhancing product.
In addition, the design allows a magnificent range of different sizes and weights of firearms that can be kept in the durable holder. Of course, gun users that struggle to make up their mind about which firearm to take when heading to work can have much more freedom with this product.
The fact that this reliable holster for guns very rarely slips down if ever at all, in some cases, makes the item a very good option for most people. It stands to reason that police officers in pursuit of a local criminal will not want to deal with an embarrassing scene where their concealed weapon hits the ground. You may also like to check our selection of the best gun belts.
The lifetime guarantee from this company
Makes this model even more appealing.
An extra calf strap is provided with this product
Maximising a secure grip.
Suitable for ruger lcp 380, glock 26,27
30, 42 and 43 and other firearms.
A metal snap is part of the system of the
Elastic retention strap.
Foam padding prevents annoying pinching
From the barrel of the gun.
4ComfortTac Ultimate Ankle Holster

It’s one thing working all the hours under the sun in order to put food on the table but if you don’t take time to enjoy life with your family, then what’s the point. Family guys that worry about a mugger pointing a gun at them or a loved one may consider carrying a concealed weapon. In this case, the gun of choice will usually be the only firearm the carrier has in their possession. With this in mind, it’s even more important to make sure the best ankle holster that you opt for does actually live up to its reputation.
That said, due to the fact that you’re already reading an extremely reliable composition of the very best in holsters for the ankle suggests that you really know what you’re doing. Clued up carriers of miniature, sub-compact or compact guns still struggling to make their mind up on the option in ankle holsters to buy may need to study the out-of-this-world features on this ComforTac ankle holster.
And talk about a product living up to its brand name, this choice in well-designed gun concealer is extremely comfortable to wear. The employment of neoprene band and use of padding where the firearm is closest to the skin keeps the item from causing issues.
But although we are midway through this informative listing, it doesn’t mean to say that further reading will lead to a drop in quality of the products covered. On the contrary, this superb choice in firearm hiders is definitely worth investing in.
There is a 30-day money-back guarantee
On this product.
Two options are offered in this holster
Which covers guys and girls of all sizes.
Compatible with glock 42, 43, 36 and 26 as
Well as a range of other firearms.
Lack of velcro on retention strap
Makes this holster stealthier.
The neoprene band and padding provide
Optimum comfort even on long days.
- BrandComfortTac
- Weight3 ounces
5Pro-Tech Outdoors Ankle Holster for Ruger LCP.380 Kel-Tec P-32 P3AT

Although there are some more technically advanced options in gun concealing holsters for the ankle, the simple yet highly-reliable design of this item makes it a no-brainer. Indeed, apart from the non-slip feature of this Pro-Tech Outdoors Ankle Holster making it extremely practical for law-enforcement officers chasing a suspect, its strong nylon stitching adds to its strength.
In fact, the maker of this well-designed item for concealed firearm has certainly not overlooked the more common design flaws in gun holders. In addition to double stitching at points prone to wear and tear, the breathability of the material is really impressive.
Of course, police officers and private investigators will be on the hunt not only for bad people but also the best ankle holsters around. If you do need to be on your feet due to long shifts in police or private investigative work, you’ll want a gun holster for the ankle that is comfy.
By choosing this superb gun concealment product, all the required boxes by most users will be ticked – or most of them anyway. With regards to the item being comfortable, it’s the well-placed padding that provides this sought-after feature when wearing a gun holster.
And in terms of having a worry-free day when carrying a backup gun on your ankle, the extremely reliable Velcro strap used to keep the weapon in position is just what you need. Don’t forget to also check our guide to the best gun cleaning kit.
30-day money-back guarantee provides
Peace of mind.
Vinyl-vapour system prevents your gun
From damage caused by moisture.
Compatible with various guns including
Ruger lcp.380.
The velcro strap can be easily adjusted
Allowing for a number of options.
Stitched with sturdy nylon for extra
- BrandPro-Tech Outdoors
- ModelWANK-01R
- Weight3.2 ounces
6Gould & Goodrich G&G Ankle Holster

Whatever your reason may be for having a concealed carry permit, if you’re on the lookout for a good option in ankle gun holders, it’s worthwhile taking a look at guides like this one. However, once you’ve seen our range of options in value for money ankle holsters, it would also be a good idea to talk to friends and colleagues that have a bit more knowledge than yourself on these products.
One thing that well-informed users of concealed guns are bound to say about this choice is just how well thought out its design is. Apart from the two easily adjusted straps of Gould & Goodrich G&G Ankle Holster, the additional garter to help keep everything together is superb engineering for this sort of holder.
Moreover, lots of purchasers of this impressive option in the best ankle holsters are drawn to this design due to the comfortable lining. And as well as feeling quite comfy when you have this item on, the overall durability keeps most consumers very happy with what they have bought.
Of course, buying an ankle holster that has top grain genuine leather as part of its design is also worthy of celebration, especially if you got the item for a fair price like we think this one is.
Officers of the law or security personnel that more often than not need to run after people they have caught red handed stealing will be able to benefit from the design of this top gun-concealing product.
A garter is included in this popular product
Making it a very secure option.
To be used to keep the S&W bodyguard as
Well as similar guns.
Plenty of adjustability in both straps incorporated
Into this design where the garter keeps it tight.
Comfortable lining is achieved with the
Use of sheepskin.
- BrandGould & Goodrich
- ModelB816-BG1
- Weight0.48 ounces